Gaji Diamond Play Button Youtube. They are based on a channels subscriber count but are offered at the sole discretion of YouTube. Namun untuk mendapatkan Play Button tidaklah mudah.
Harus ada kriteria tersendiri yang harus diakui. Blak-blakan Deddy Corbuzier Pernah Buat Bintang Tamunya Marah dan Pulang. Diamond Play Button - Unlocked at 10000000 Subscribers.
The Diamond Play Button is something that many YouTubers will never get a chance to receive as it requires channels to gain a staggering 10 million.
Red Diamon Play Button. Semakin banyak orang memakai Youtube semakin mudah pula bagi Youtuber mendapatkan subscriber. Namun sebelumnya channel mereka harus di-review oleh YouTube terlebih dahulu. The Red Diamond Play Button in YouTubes promotional video.